Wednesday 30 October 2013

fifty things I'd like to do this year

Here they are. Fifty things, enjoyable and despicable, I'd like to do this year.

Just one a week. Totally doable, right?

Tuesday 22 October 2013

it's gotta be a blog

I woke up the other day, looked around our room, and thought Sheesh, it would look so much better in here if I cleaned all the crap off the top of my dresser. Lotion, magazines, the necklace I wore on our date in August, concave chapsticks that I have to dig out with a fingernail, some Christmas books that need to go up to the attic (it's October). Then I wondered to myself how many hundreds of times I've woken up and had that very same thought. Oh how depressing. And then I wondered what else I have wasted my precious brains on thinking I really ought to do, for maybe over a year. Oh dear. I started to run up a good list: return that book to a friend (she's not asking, but that's no reason), make pesto (before the basil freezes) (again), restring the guitar (every four years, right?).

I then badly needed 1) coffee 2) a plan.

Before the coffee even arrived (jeez, honey, what are you doing in there?) I had a fabulous idea. I could write down all those nagging things. And the fun things (make a pumpkin pie! go to an art museum, take the baby camping). All those things I'd like to get around to and feel slightly and constantly pathetic for not doing. I could write them all down, cut them up, put them in a jar, and pull one tasky surprise out every week. Then, all I'd have to do, all I'd have to think about, is one thing each week. Seven days to get that crappy (or fun!) task done. And two weeks of vacation a year. Amazing.

So I did. Fifty things. Cut up. In a jar.

Only thing is, if no one is watching, I probably won't do it. So, it's gotta be a blog.

Do you think it will work? Let's see!